Arrow Season 7: 5 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Inheritance'

1. Team Hypocrisy

Arrow Laurel Lance Black Siren
The CW

Oliver's refusal to believe Laurel's claims about Emiko stemmed from his belief that she wasn't fully aware of what the concept of loyalty was. Perhaps, in some people's eyes, that was indeed a valid point, given her history as Black Siren. However, minutes later, Oliver told Diggle that he believed Emiko could be redeemed and, despite her heinous actions, he kept offering her that redemption. Granted, she is his sister after all, but that doesn't change the fact that he just met her.

Now, this season alone, Laurel has managed to free Oliver, imprison Diaz, befriend Felicity and Dinah and, all things considered, proved herself to be a worthy ally. So why couldn't Oliver have shown the same belief in her redemption when she hasn't given him any reason to doubt her?

Similarly, Dinah, who was aware of Laurel's role in the Emiko situation, was all of a sudden convinced that she had murdered the man she previously interrogated for no reason other than the fact that the plot required her to.

Of course, Laurel ended up being right about it all as Emiko betrayed the entirety of Team Arrow, before subsequently framing the D.A. for the murder of that criminal. But, of course, not one of them thought it would be a good idea to apologize for doubting her?

Now, Black Siren's murderous history is well-documented, but she's shown real progress in her attempts to be a better person. Moreover, Oliver, Diggle, Dinah and even Felicity have murdered people in the past and, like Laurel, they all regret doing so. So for any of them to doubt her based on her past (while conveniently overlooking her present) makes them nothing more than hypocrites.


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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.