Arrow Season 7 Premiere: 6 Ups & 2 Downs From ‘Inmate 4587’

4. Ricardo Diaz Is Back

Arrow Season 7
The CW

Without a doubt, one of the few standout aspects of Arrow's sixth season was Kirk Acevedo's chilling portrayal of Big Bad Ricardo Diaz. Though he wasn't featured all that often during the first half of the season, the veteran actor did a phenomenal job bringing him to life in the second, and in doing so, he helped bring the show back to life. The only criticism was that he didn't get long enough to do it, as Diaz was only the main villain for half a season. Thankfully, the madness is only the beginning for the crime lord.

As he escaped in the Season 6 finale, it was inevitable that he would show up at some point throughout the new season. But the show wasted no time making that happen, as he turned up at Felicity's apartment, despite the fact that she was in the witness protection programme, and came very close to killing her.

It really is looking like we're going to get to know Diaz a lot better this season. With Acevedo now a series regular, we'll be seeing a lot more of the villainous character and, given his involvement with the Longbow Hunters, we should expect him to play an even bigger role than last season. Now that's some good news, right there.

Welcome to the Arrow family, Dragon!

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.