Arrow Season 7: What Does The Ending To ‘Brothers & Sisters’ Really Mean?

2. Emiko Queen Is Working With Dante

Arrow Dante
The CW

This year, there has been a lot of ambiguity in regards to who Arrow's Big Bad actually is. While Season 6 villain Ricardo Diaz has once again played a prominent role this season, he's been a little too in and out to be considered the primary threat that he once was, while his Longbow Hunters never really got off the ground after their initial appearance. There has, however, been one character that has featured quite regularly all season without actually appearing until this week, and that is Dante.

Teased all season through Lyla and Diggle's concerns at A.R.G.U.S., Dante was being positioned as a major threat and, when he finally made his debut in 'Brothers & Sisters', he seemed to back up his reputation by quickly slaying A.R.G.U.S.' Deputy Director as well as the unsuspecting Princess Noor Harjavti and then engaging in a battle with the Green Arrow. So, you can imagine how shocking it was to discover that he actually knew Oliver's long-lost sister, Emiko.

Referring to himself as an "old friend", Dante showed up at Emiko's base of operations and was pleased to hear that she had gained Oliver's trust. He then told her that it was time to "come home". Whatever that means, it certainly suggests that Emiko is working with Dante somehow and that it was her intention to get close to Oliver all along. But just how does Star City's new Green Arrow know the illusive and deadly criminal and, perhaps more importantly, why are they working together?

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.