Arrow Season 7: What Does The Ending To ‘Brothers & Sisters’ Really Mean?

1. Ricardo Diaz Is Likely Dead

Arrow S7 Ricardo Diaz
The CW

As shocking as Emiko's secret meeting with Dante was, the final scene in 'Brothers & Sisters' was the real jaw-dropper this week.

Following his antics during the Ghost Initiative's mission, Ricardo Diaz was returned to his cell at Slabside - where he was greeted by a familiar face (whom we did not see). Before he could get answers, he was doused by the sprinklers and a lighter was thrown into the cell. Though he tried to save himself by catching the lighter before it hit the floor, it ended up engulfing his drenched arm - setting only him alight instead. The Dragon fought it for a little while, reaching his burning hand out in an attempt to either alert others or grab the assailant before he eventually collapsed to the ground.

As the flames decimated his entire cell, we were all left wondering if this meant that we had seen the last of Ricardo Diaz. While we never actually had confirmation that he was dead, due to the fact that this was the episode's closing moment, it's hard to deny that this really does look like it's the end for the character. Many of us had previously wondered what he had left to offer following Season 6 and, although he made a strong attempt to recapture that success in the beginning of Season 7, he has been lost for a purpose as of late.

With the rise of Dante, Diaz doesn't seem quite as threatening to a well-oiled team of law-abiding superheroes, A.R.G.U.S. agents, a resourceful hacker and metahuman District Attorney that is just one Cry away from terminating him. So, now that Dante has finally arrived on the show, it seems like this was the perfect time to write Diaz out and, in doing so, create some intrigue surrounding who actually took him out.


Do you think we've seen the last of Ricardo Diaz on Arrow? Tell us in the comment section below.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.