Arrow Season 8 Review: 8 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Welcome To Hong Kong'

1. Katie Cassidy's Performance

Arrow Season 8 Episode 2 Laurel
The CW

Laurel's struggles to accept Earth-2's demise grounded an episode that already felt a lot more grounded than Arrow has been in recent years - and yes, this writer is fully aware that we're talking about the destruction of a parallel universe here. The thing that made all of this possible was Katie Cassidy's stunning performance.

As Laurel refused to accept that everyone she ever loved had died, Cassidy put on an acting clinic - bringing every ounce of pain, anger, betrayal and emotion to life with ease. It was a raw performance that was both subtle and powerful - making the character's emotional reaction feel all the more authentic.

As Arrow's leading lady, she's no stranger to putting on some fine performances, but there was something different about this one - and it stood out as one of the show's best performances ever. It was, without question, magnificent.


What did you make of 'Welcome To Hong Kong'? Tell us in the comment section below.


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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.