Arrow's Main Villains Ranked From Worst To Best

5. Ra's Al Ghul

Deathstroke Arrow
The CW

The headquarters of the League of Assassins in Nanda Parbat is one of the main settings of Arrow's third season, and the Head of the Demon himself, Ra's al Ghul, seemingly takes a break from being a Batman villain to migrate over to the Arrowverse as this season's main antagonist.

Oliver captures the attention of Ra's when he is framed by Malcolm Merlyn for the murder of Sara Lance, who was romantically involved with the daughter of the demon, Nyssa al Ghul. In order to protect his half-sister, Thea, who actually committed the murder on Merlyn's orders, Oliver meets Ra's atop a mountain in Nanda Parbat, where they engage in a trial by combat.

Despite losing the trial and being wounded within an inch of his life, Oliver is chosen by Ra's to become his successor, which the man doesn't seem to have much of a choice about. To rid his 'pupil' of the notion of home, Ra's plans to destroy Starling City (as it was then known) with a deadly bio-weapon. Obviously, the Arrow doesn't stand for that, and when they duke it out again, it's Ra's that finally takes his much-awaited dirt nap.

Comic loyalists may sniff at the substitution of Bruce Wayne for Oliver Queen in this imagining of the League's story, but it's undeniable that the Demon's Head makes for a cerebral and imposing TV foe nonetheless.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.