Arrowverse: Everything You Need To Know About Crisis On Infinite Earths

6. Harrison Wells AKA Pariah?

Crisis on Infinite Earths
The CW

Tom Cavanagh has been a staple of CW’s The Flash ever since it started. And there is no lack to the amount of characters that Cavanagh has brought to life, whether it is a multiverse version of Harrison Wells, or even the Flash’s arch nemesis, the Reverse-Flash.

Now Cavanagh has been confirmed to play a character from the Crisis on Infinite Earths comic book series known as Pariah.

In the comics, the character of Pariah is a scientist known as Kell Mossa before the crisis. He was a big part of starting the crisis during the comics and is expected to play a similar role in the CW version. With the actor's ability to take on any kind of Harrison Wells role, we are sure that he will be able to pull this one off.


Ethan Cross has contributed 58 posts since joining in May 2019.