Attack On Titan: The 8 Most Disturbing Moments (so Far)

4. Reiss Reaches The Wall

Attack ON Titan INtro

By the time the episode, Ruler of Walls came to pass, many of Attack on Titan's secrets had been spilled. Among these were the reveal of a now outcast royal bloodline, who had been using mass hypnosis to control the population within the wall. Surviving member, Rod Reiss, had failed in his attempt to regain Titan power within his family, and so performed the last-ditch action of turning himself into one mighty hellish Titan.

Fortunately, his sluggish momentum meant that the Survey Corps at least had time to formulate a counter-attack. By the time Reiss reached the wall they were ready in waiting, cannons at the ready. A barrage of cannon-fire succeeded in completely relieving this horrendous creature of his entire frontal-flesh, face included.

But the effects of this attack backfired somewhat. It simply meant that when Reiss Titan did manage to peer over the wall, the hapless population had no choice but to glare in distress at his raw gnarly, faceless form, and also the exposed intestines which proceeded to spill into the city. Someone think of the children.


Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at