Batman: 10 Lessons Gotham TV Series Can Learn From Arrow

6. Borrow Heavily From The Comic Books....

Arrow5 Arrow has borrowed heavily from the Arrow mythos, staying pretty loyal Green Arrows origin, while also fleshing it out for a longer story. They've also made liberal use of characters, from heavyweights like Deathstroke and Black Canary to originally minor ones like China White and Walter Steele. If Gotham is going from the Gotham Central, there are plenty of interesting characters that could work. Renee Montoya and Harvey Bullock are already reasonably well known thanks to appearances on Batman animated shows. But how about Crispus Allen, Maggie Sawyer and Marcus Driver, all fleshed out characters with interesting character arcs in the comics.

British-born writer and editor living in New Jersey. He's a big fan of DC comics, though also partial to Ol' Canucklehead. When not writing about Batman and the works of Joss Whedon, he writes about American and international politics which you can find on his personal blog here