Batman: 10 Lessons Gotham TV Series Can Learn From Arrow

5.... But Don't Be Afraid To Change Things Up

Arrow6 They've also made plenty of changes to Oliver Queen's life, giving him a feuding family dynamic that isn't present in the comic book series. They've also changed his character so he's more like the driven and haunted Bruce Wayne of the Nolan movies. In the comic books, Ollie is more of a natural playboy in the vein of Tony Stark, albeit with a strong political streak. Arrow has also made Deathstroke more important in Oliver Queen's life than he is traditionally. Manu Bennet has been so successful in the role that he becomes a recurring character in season two. In fact, more (every?) shows could benefit from Deathstroke the Terminator joining their cast.

British-born writer and editor living in New Jersey. He's a big fan of DC comics, though also partial to Ol' Canucklehead. When not writing about Batman and the works of Joss Whedon, he writes about American and international politics which you can find on his personal blog here