Batman: 10 Lessons Gotham TV Series Can Learn From Arrow

4. Action

Arrow7 The fight scenes in Arrow are really top notch. They don't spare expense on the choreography, and many of the action scenes wouldn't be out of place in blockbuster movies. While Jim Gordon may not seem like a natural action star, he has been known to kick ass in the comic books when needed. In Frank Miller's Year One he easily beats up former Green Beret turned dirty cop Arnold Flass, casually throwing Flass a baseball bat to give himself more of a challenge. A cop show would give Gordon plenty of chances to show off his hand-to-hand skills.

British-born writer and editor living in New Jersey. He's a big fan of DC comics, though also partial to Ol' Canucklehead. When not writing about Batman and the works of Joss Whedon, he writes about American and international politics which you can find on his personal blog here