Batman Beyond: 10 Best Villains

7. David Wheeler

Batman Beyond Return Of The Joker
Warner Bros.

Like BTAS before it, Batman beyond is chock full of one off villains who are gone by episode's end. The best of these one and done baddies by far is David Wheeler.

Wheeler was a psychiatrist who claimed to be able to solve children's "problems" through a therapy retreat of his own making. The parents of Gotham, paranoid about their kids' bad behaviour, sent them off in droves, only for the kids to be subjected to what can only be described as psychological torture. The kids are treated like animals in cages, breaking their minds and spirits.

And what makes the scheme so insidious is that the kids have no one to turn to. While the parents are allowed to visit whenever they want, any complaining on the parts of their kids are written off as more bad behaviour. After all, if they trusted their kids in the slightest, they wouldn't have sent them off in the first place.

Wheeler basically set this whole scheme up just so he could torture children en masse and get paid to do it. Fortunately, Batman blew the lid off the whole operation, but as can be seen with how Terry's classmate Chelsea reacts to her father arriving to bring her home, the damage has in many ways already been done.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?