Batman Beyond: 10 Best Villains

8. Charlie "Big Time" Bigelow

Batman Beyond Return Of The Joker
Warner Bros.

While not appearing in any more episodes than Stalker, Charlie "Big Time" Bigelow is elevated by his place in Terry's backstory.

Terry used to be a juvenile delinquent, and Charlie was his running buddy. But because he was a few years older than Terry, he got tried as an adult when they eventually got caught.

When Big Time got out, he went right back to his old ways, too dumb and too stubborn to see any other path forward. This of course eventually cost him his humanity when his boss double crossed him and doused him in a chemical that turned him into a monster. Before you go feeling sorry for Charlie, he only got into this mess by taking advantage of Terry's guilt about getting him thrown in the slammer and his goodwill to try and make up for it.

Big Time can be seen as Terry's equivalent to Two-Face. But while Two-Face served as a constant reminder to Bruce about his failure to save his best friend, Big Time represents Terry's need to leave the past where it lay and cut off this toxic element from his life.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?