Batman Beyond: 10 Best Villains

5. Curare

Batman Beyond Return Of The Joker
Warner Bros.

A villain who never speaks is a hard balancing act to pull off, with the villain needing to exude enough presence through only their body language and design to make up for the lack of any dialogue. Curare not only walks that line, she walks it on her hands and then does a backflip in the middle of that line just to show off.

Curare is a member of the Society Of Assassins, who are different from the League Of Assassins because the League Of Assassins don't color their members blue.

Her odd skin pigmentation, along with everything else about Curare, is kept a complete mystery from both Batman and the audience. All either need to know is that Curare is a killing machine. Completely silent, armed with a scimitar sharped to the width of an atom, making it able to cut through literally anything.

Curare was the best assassin the Society had in their arsenal, but when Batman foiled her mission to assassinate Commissioner Gordon's husband, she became the Society's new target as an example of failure.

She then proceeded to wipe out the entire Society Of Assassins. In short, you do not mess with Curare.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?