Battle Creek: 10 Things We Already Know About Vince Gilligan's Next Masterpiece

8. There's Another Breaking Bad Producer On Staff

Mark Johnson, one of the producers of Breaking Bad and a long-time cohort of Mr. Gilligan's (he produced one of his first screenplays, Home Fries), will be one of Battle Creek's executive producers, along with Erin Gunn of David Shore's Shore Z production company. Along with Bad Hat Harry's Jason Taylor, the production staff looks to have come from a broad enough background that we can probably expect to see something very different from either Breaking Bad or House, which is what I'm on board for. What's somewhat odd about the announced cast and crew so far is that there are very few Breaking Bad alumni in the mix aside from Johnson and Gilligan himself. Perhaps we'll see some more names pop up in the near future - I wouldn't be surprised to see the writers' room fill up with the names of people who have already worked with Mr. Gilligan and understand how to work within his process - but then again, maybe he wants at least one clean break from the shackles of his six-year series, which he most certainly won't be getting in the Better Call Saul writers' room. I wouldn't blame the guy, but I wouldn't want to be in his shoes if he's diving into a 13-episode order of a brand new series with a bunch of strangers at his side.

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.