Battle Creek: 10 Things We Already Know About Vince Gilligan's Next Masterpiece

6. Bryan Singer Is Directing The Pilot

After finishing up on a low-budget indie comic book movie called Days Of Future Past, Bryan Singer's set to kickstart and lend his name to Battle Creek as he's directing the first episode and executive producing the series. This is no bad thing as ,although getting a big-name director to direct the first episode(s) of your show is certainly in vogue right now (Scorsese with Boardwalk Empire, Fincher with House of Cards), Singer's not just a neon sign meant to attract audience; he's worked in the same capacity on another series, House, which was also created and run by Battle Creek's showrunner David Shore. The Usual Suspects director helmed that show's pilot and it went on to air for eight seasons and became kind of a big deal, so Singer's got the TV chops that'll helpfully let Battle Creek go the distance. He's also bringing extra talent along with him in the form of his Bad Hat Harry producer Jason Taylor, who has the Singer-directed Valkyrie to his name, so it seems like he's in this for the long haul as he was with House, which is no bad thing.

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.