Battle Creek: 10 Things We Already Know About Vince Gilligan's Next Masterpiece

5. The Original Script For The Pilot Isn't Amazing...Allegedly

Take this with a gigantic pinch of salt, but there's a review of Vince Gilligan's original 2002 pilot script for Battle Creek online and it's not entirely positive. The reviewer gives the script a "worth a read" rating and divulges some interesting nuggets from the story, like the central crime of the episode being the supposed discovery of Jimmy Hoffa's decade-old dead body and a woman calling up the main character to tell him that a Tom Selleck look-alike keeps bothering her, but also says that early Gilligan isn't nearly as good as modern day Gilligan (which is to be expected) and that the first ten pages read as incredibly stale until FBI Agent Milton arrives on the scene with his expensive satellite equipment and handsome face. Now, I'm not taking this to mean much of anything. First off, Scriptshadow has a terrible reputation among screenwriters and much of the TV/filmmaking community in Hollywood for reviewing old versions of scripts that were never meant to be read by anyone other than studio execs and other writers. Secondly, he was talking about a draft that had been written at least twelve years ago and likely bears little resemblance to the series we'll be seeing within the year, so everything in the review but potentially some plot and character details are negligible, frankly.

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.