Battlestar Galactica: The Wildly Varied Career Of Lee "Apollo" Adama

5. Defense Attorney (The Son Also Rises—Season 3, Episode 18)

Battlestar Galactica Starbuck Apollo

After being stepped down as Galactica's CAG, Lee Adama is given the assignment of handling security for Gaius Baltar’s defense attorney Romo Lampkin, who is defending the former president of treason. This leads Lee to actually joining Baltar’s defense team, where he plays an instrumental role in his defense and eventual acquittal.

This results in a massive breakdown in all of Apollo's key relationships. By the end the trial, he is at odds with both President Roslin and his father, he has seen the end of his marriage with Dee, and he has resigned his military commission, becoming a civilian.


Ben McClure is a writer and filmmaker. Raised in the United States but living in Australia, he loves stories, gets excited about superheroes and science fiction, and is deeply interested in matters of faith.