Battlestar Galactica: The Wildly Varied Career Of Lee "Apollo" Adama

2. De-Facto President & Governmental Pioneer (No Exit—Season 4, Episode 15)

Battlestar Galactica Starbuck Apollo

Lee continues to serve as the face of the Colonial government even after President Roslin returns, due to her loss of hope following the discovery that the earth they have been searching for is a lifeless planet.

However, after helping to put down the mutiny of Tom Zarek and Felix Gaeta, he is told by Laura Roslin herself that whilst she will retain the title of President, he will now do the “heavy lifting” of leading the Fleet. In this role (and given that the previous representatives were all murdered in the mutiny) Lee opts to reshape the government.

The new council will not be based on representing the original Twelve Colonies, but on representing the ships that comprise the Fleet, which humanity now consider to be their homes.


Ben McClure is a writer and filmmaker. Raised in the United States but living in Australia, he loves stories, gets excited about superheroes and science fiction, and is deeply interested in matters of faith.