Battlestar Galactica: The Wildly Varied Career Of Lee "Apollo" Adama

1. A Colonist And A Settler (Daybreak—Season 4, Episodes 19-20)

Battlestar Galactica Starbuck Apollo

After briefly returning to the rank of Major for Galactica’s final mission, Lee Adama helps to lead the survivors to their new home—a world that has been renamed “Earth.”

It is due to Lee’s efforts that the new arrivals don’t attempt to build a city, but rather enter their new lives with only basic possessions. He sees this as one of the ways to break the ancient cycle of hostility between human and Cylon, saying to his father, “…our brains have always outraced our hearts. Our science charges ahead, but our souls lag behind. Let's start anew."

When we last see him, Lee is waxing poetically about his desire to explore, and possibly climb mountains. We don’t know his final fate, but given his resilience and commitment to ideals, viewers can be confident that even after saying goodbye to his father and closest friend, Lee Adama will make a place for himself in the new world he has come to call home.

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Ben McClure is a writer and filmmaker. Raised in the United States but living in Australia, he loves stories, gets excited about superheroes and science fiction, and is deeply interested in matters of faith.