Batwoman: Ranking Every Character From Worst To Best

8. Jacob Kane

Batwoman Season 1
The CW

Like Kate and Alice, Jacob Kane has one of the strongest backstories on the show but, unlike those two, it doesn't make up his often confusing motivations.

A father broken by the disappearance of his daughter and the death of his wife, Jacob very much personifies his grief from the offset. Dougray Scott helps him do just that, playing him as the heartbroken-turned-angry man that he is written as. However, as time goes on he begins to progress and regress interchangeably and he isn't on-screen enough for any of it to be convincing.

There's definitely potential for a great character there but as it stands Jacob's hatred of Batwoman comes off as annoying more than anything else and his decisions to go off and do things his own way have left viewers beyond the point of caring about him because he simply doesn't learn.

He's still grieving yes, but if the writers are intent on continuing down that route, he needs to be on-screen in order for us to buy his rash decisions.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.