Batwoman: Ranking Every Character From Worst To Best
3. Luke Fox

Batwoman's right-hand man, Luke Fox is to the Scarlet Knight what his father Lucius was to Batman, offering her assistance in the face of any intimidatingly complex situation and providing her with both the technology and knowledge required to get her out of said situations.
In many ways, Luke functions like Cisco Ramon on The Flash or Winn Schott on Supergirl in that he not only guides the titular hero through their missions, he also provides levity whenever any situation finds itself getting too dark. And like those aforementioned characters, he's also a well of unexplored depth that absolutely shines when the spotlight is on him.
The backstory involving the death of his father provided the season with one of its most powerful episodes, all while highlighting how strong a character Luke truly is. And to top it all off, just like he does with all of the humour and techno mumbo jumbo, Carmus Johnson absolutely bloody nailed it.