Batwoman Season 1 Review: 4 Ups & 3 Downs From 'Down, Down, Down'

2. No Depth To Catherine

Batwoman 2
The CW

We're three episodes in now and we still don't know anything about Catherine Hamilton-Kane. Sure, she's Jacob's wife, Mary's mother and the only person who insists on referring to her stepdaughter as "Katie", but who is she?

Last week's instalment suggested that she may have had something to do with the faking of Beth's death, as she seemed pretty scared by the fact that Alice might be Beth and, in response, ordered the destruction of the villain's knife just because it had the twin sisters' birthstone on it. And this was after the flashbacks revealed that she was the one who informed Jacob that they found Beth's bones. With that in mind, fans have been left wondering what she's hiding.

However, it's beginning to feel like the writers are single-handedly relying on this twist to make her come across as an interesting character because, other than that, there is literally nothing below the surface. She's rarely on-screen and whenever she is, she's sorely one-dimensional - giving disapproving looks and continually ordering her husband to stop Alice - and it's making her a rather annoying addition to the show.

In order for a twist to truly work, there must be a solid foundation there to work from. That's why it's called a "twist" - because it's so shocking and unforeseen that it literally twists your perception of something or someone. But, as of right now, there's no foundation to Catherine. She's just a well-dressed socialite with nothing to say and plenty to groan about.

It would be really nice to get to know her a little better going forward...


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.