Bet You Can’t Name All These Buffy The Vampire Slayer Villains Quiz
Can you score 100% On This Buffy the Vampire Slayer quiz?
It’s all kinds of nuts to realise that we’re edging ever closer to 20 years since Buffy the Vampire Slayer aired its final episode. After 144 episodes dotted across seven season, Joss Whedon’s beloved series rolled to a close in May 2003, meaning it’s now approaching 18 years since that final Buffy offering.
Sure, the world of the Scooby Gang did continue on in comic book form, but those books never managed to generate quite the same ginormous following as the main Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series.
To this day, Buffy fans remain so passionate about this property, and it’s a show that still largely manages to stand up fantastically well on revisit after revisit.
Of course, in addition to Buffy Summers and her pals, so key to the success of Buffy the Vampire Slayer was the vast array of villains on show in the series. While everyone will easily conjure up images of the likes of Spike, Drusilla, Glory, Angelus or even the Master, there were far, far more bad guys and gals featured in this iconic genre show.
Like to think of yourself as a massive Buffy fan? Here, there’s a quiz that only the absolute biggest of Buffy fans will be able to slay – as we ask you to identify all of these rogues. And to keep you on your toes, there are even one or two Angel villains sprinkled in here, too.