Better Call Saul: 10 Breaking Bad Easter Eggs You Totally Missed

1. Kevin Costner

Better Call Saul

One of the scenes that helped make Saul Goodman stand out as a character in a show known for its colourful and memorable characters takes place with the lawyer and Walter White sat in a car discussing how someone can sell anything, even the biggest of lies, so long as they able to convince themselves of it being the truth. To illustrate the point, Saul claims:

“I once told a woman I was Kevin Costner and it worked because I believed it.”

Rewind again to the season one finale of Better Call Saul where Jimmy returns back to Chicago and embarks on a week long adventure of hustling and drinking with his old running buddy, Marco. After one drunken evening, Jimmy is shown being woken up by a woman pointing out that he isn't the famous Hollywood actor he had apparently claimed to be.

It's a nice moment for fans of this infamous Breaking Bad moment, but does make an audience wonder whether this is the exact moment Saul was referring to when he first mentions it to Walt, or whether this poor woman was just one girl in a long line of randoms Jimmy used his Costner pick up line on over the years.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.