Better Call Saul: 10 Breaking Bad Easter Eggs You Totally Missed

2. Chuck Lives On Jesse's Street

Better Call Saul

The early seasons of Breaking Bad show Jesse struggling through living with his parents. Despite obviously residing in a pretty well off area of town, the family are constantly clashing over Jesse's behaviour and eventually end up booting him out on the street. Saul later intervenes and the house falls back into Jesse's hands for $400,000 and it soon becomes the town's go-to place for drugs, raves and non-stop partying.

However, Jesse's house is also located on the same street as one of the most important locations to Saul in Better Call Saul: Chuck's house.

Both real houses in the southwest part of downtown Albuquerque, they sit in a neighbourhood known as the Country Club and are roughly separated by just three buildings, though they don't face each other so it's unlikely Chuck and Jesse ever locked eyes with one another.

It's a nice little detail for fans to spot when they go through the two shows however, with all the baggage attached to the area, it does beg the question whether revisiting that area of town to help out Walt or Jesse might have been a tad uncomfortable for Saul.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.