Better Call Saul: 10 Breaking Bad Easter Eggs You Totally Missed

7. Stockbroker Ken

Better Call Saul

Stockbroker Ken first turns up in Better Call Saul as the overly-confident businessman hanging around the club Jimmy heads to when he first gives up the bar and being a lawyer. He is loud and obnoxious, and the perfect individual for everyone's favourite lawyer to introduce Kim to the world of Slippin' Jimmy to.

However, what some fans might have missed is the fact that, a couple years on from his run in with Jimmy and Kim, Stockbroker Ken turns up again in the Breaking Bad universe. In the episode 'Cancer Man', he is first seen stealing a parking space from Walter White in his convertible. Later on, he's shown in his convertible, complete with the 'KEN WINS' licence plate, and still acting like an arrogant piece of work.

Honking at old women and speaking loudly on presumably the same trusty earpiece seen in Better Call Saul, it's the second time Ken runs into Walt that he begins to taste some humble pie again. Whilst inside the store, Walt jams some cleaner under the hood of his car and does his best evil villain walk off as this cocky stockbroker's vehicle goes up in flames.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.