Better Call Saul: 10 Breaking Bad Easter Eggs You Totally Missed

4. Jesse Pinkman Referenced On The Payphone

Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul is laced full of Easter eggs and references from Vince Gilligan that help eagle eyed viewers know that all of the show's events are taking place in the same world with the same characters as Breaking Bad. Whilst obvious favourites like Jimmy, Mike and Tuco are around in the early seasons, it's pretty surreal thinking that somewhere around Walter White is probably teaching a chemistry class to Jesse Pinkman.

When Jimmy tries to call Nacho following his stalking of the Kettleman house, a small graffiti sign can be seen sprayed onto the payphone he chooses. The graffiti spells out 'JPi', possibly indicating a younger version of Walter White's favourite student has been around the area up to the kinds of tricks audiences would expect of him.

Breaking Bad actually confirm as being the graffiti of choice for Jesse, with the very same symbol being sprayed onto the walls of his house following all of his raving, partying and subsequent trashing. Subtle details like that really do go a long way in making everything in Vince Gilligan's universe feel that bit more connected.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.