Better Call Saul: 10 Scenes From Breaking Bad That Need Expanding

5. Brock's Poisoning

CommonsAMCWhen Brock was poisoned (End Times) it was obvious that Walt was not going to be redeeming himself anytime soon. We know Walt did it but we only know part of how he pulled it off. At Walt's request, Saul had Huell lift the ricin cigarette from Jesse's pocket. Walt poisoned Brock with Lily of the Valley and Jesse believed it was Mr. White with the ricin. Walt convinces Jesse that it wasn't him, it was Gus, thereby gaining Jesse's support during Walt's takeover. Saul enabled Walt to carry out the plan but he says he didn€™t know the kid was going to end up in the hospital. Regardless of what he knew, he knew more than viewers and having this scene expanded from a Saul or Huell POV would help fill in a lot of gaps. Even if the whole story is not unpacked, at least getting an idea of the logistics of the poisoning (at school? at home? in juice or milk?) would be a great payoff for the massive amount of speculation floating about. Expanding this scene could have impacts on both present and past storylines as Brock is still alive, perhaps living with relatives following his mother's murder at the hands of the incorrigible Todd. There is some chance that Brock could identify Huell if he was involved off-screen, or perhaps, by proxy through Jesse, Brock could lead to the surviving neo-Nazis involvement by tying them up with police or DEA.

David Wagner is an author/musician who splits his time between Oakland, CA and Istanbul, Turkey. David has published two novels, both available on his website, and as a fan of movies, comics, and genre television, he is happy to be working with WhatCulture as a regular contributor.