Better Call Saul: 10 Scenes From Breaking Bad That Need Expanding

6. Who Is Igancio?

Saul, Walt and Jesse's first group meeting is in the desert after the later two kidnap Saul and drag him to a pre-dug grave. Their tactic is to scare Saul into representing Badger to keep him from talking to the DEA. It almost works because Saul thinks something else entirely is happening. €œIt wasn€™t me, it was Ignacio,€ he screams out, €œI€™m always a friend of the cartel.€ When Walt and Jesse don't understand, Saul asks, €œDon Eladio didn't send you?€ Who is Ignacio and what could Saul have gotten into just before he meets Walt that would make him so sure of who was wanting to kill him? Expanding this moment would work as a bridge between the prequel world of BCS and the companion world of BB. Whatever Saul and Ignacio did, it was assumably just before his ill-fated connection with Walt. Knowing the details of this story would be a great payoff for fans of the original show and provide a compelling story for the new. Also, the fact that this moment involves the Mexican cartel, it is assured that either Gus Fring or the Salamanca family will be involved, or perhaps, even deeper into the show€™s mythos, Don Eladio and the history of the Ciudad Juarez Cartel.

David Wagner is an author/musician who splits his time between Oakland, CA and Istanbul, Turkey. David has published two novels, both available on his website, and as a fan of movies, comics, and genre television, he is happy to be working with WhatCulture as a regular contributor.