Better Call Saul: 8 Huge Predictions For Season 2

1. Kim Wexler Is Going To Die

Throughout season one, Jimmy's lawyer friend Kim Wexler was essential. Their genuine affection for each other gave Jimmy a reason to care about a future working for HHM, and created a gradual tension as he began to reject and despise Howard Hamlin. She also humanised Jimmy, showing him at his most charming and vulnerable. Going into season two, Kim will remain essential, but for a completely different reason. Kim will be McGill's main source of conscience throughout the episodes, given how he now hates Chuck and doesn't care about Hamlin. It's likely Kim will also be the catalyst that solidifies the transformation into Saul Goodman. Her death in the final episodes or finale could be the last push that's needed in order for Jimmy to cross the point of no return. Besides, the removal of Kim at the end of season two would clear up why she's never seen or mentioned by Goodman in Breaking Bad. What do you think will happen in Better Call Saul Season 2? Share your hopes and predictions in the comments. Follow us on Twitter: @WhatCultureTV

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