Better Call Saul: Everything We Know So Far

9. It Will Be A Prequel Mostly...

Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould faced a tough decision ahead of drawing up the spin-off, because Goodman's story is far from over when he leaves for Nebraska, and there is enough intrigue there to justify following him beyond the end of Breaking Bad. He is on the run, and a hunted man, and though he proclaims his best case scenario to be "managing a Cinnabon in Omaha" after his extraction, it's unlikely he'll be able to resist the temptation to go back to his old ways at some point. But thanks to the approach the show's creator have gone for, we won't have to endure several establishing episodes of Saul on the front-line of customer service, as the show will look at more than one point in Goodman's time-line, if Bob Odenkirk is to be believed:
"I€™ve talked to Vince and Peter , who are writing and creating the series, about this and I€™ve said that a lot of people do want to see what happens to next to Saul. So, I don€™t know what they€™re going to do. I know they€™ve talked about prequel, but they€™ve also talked to me about sequel, and they€™ve also talked to me about a mix of prequel and sequel."
The logical answer would be flash-forwards to Saul on the run, punctuating the main narrative set in his past, but it's hugely intriguing to learn that we could well see some of the waves made at the end of Breaking Bad coming back to haunt him.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.