The Big Bang Theory: 10 Moments When Sheldon Cooper Was Wrong
8. Great, Another Fainter

Episode: The Hawking Excitation
There are few people Sheldon worships more than Stephen Hawking. He dressed up as the scientist for Halloween when he was a child, and considers him his intellectual equal (though not his superior, obviously). When Howard is allocated the task of maintaining Hawking's wheelchair during a series of lectures at CalTech, Sheldon is absolutely dying to make his hero's acquaintance. And Howard is happy to assist; until Sheldon blows it by suggesting Howard knows nothing about physics. Again. Sheldon must complete a series of demeaning tasks before Howard will consider introducing the two, including polishing his many belt buckles and walking around in a French maid outfit. But it's the final task that is the hardest for Sheldon: giving Howard a compliment on his work. Characteristically, he delivers some half-hearted, back-handed praise, but Howard considers it adequate - and reveals that Hawking was so impressed by Sheldon's paper that he wants to meet him anyway. A jittery Sheldon is introduced to his idol, who tells him that although his work was interesting gasp Sheldon has made an arithmetical error on page two, which is, according to Hawking, 'quite a boner.' Mortified by his mistake, Sheldon passes out. Don't meet your heroes. Or at least make sure your math is correct before you do.