The Big Bang Theory: 12 Recurring Things That Need To Die

11. Raj

Just in general. The whole thing needs to go. Sure, the underlying character is great and the performances from Kunal Nayya are consistently excellent, but the stranger traits have started to wear very thin. From not being able to talk to girls without being drunk, (though that appears to be being phased out thankfully) to his little dog there are traits that are inconsistent with the rest of the character€™s personality. Nobody likes the lonely guy with no confidence who constantly asks for reassurance and if he was your mate you would have gotten him some help by now. Far funnier would be some new therapy or treatment that would allow him to become a complete ladies€™ man, much to the chagrin of his friends. As has been referenced a few times in the show, women find him funny and attractive so the comedy to be found would be around his new found popularity. Much better than the whiny dude that you would slowly cut out of the group for being a downer. There are times when Raj is the coolest guy in the group yet in other episodes he would be taken aside and words would be had. The "geek can't talk to girls" thing is just old and unnecessary so it's time to sort Raj out and have his character settle in being a decent guy with a nice girl. There's still plenty of comedy to be had there.

I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.