The Big Bang Theory: 12 Recurring Things That Need To Die

10. Stewart Being Such A Douche

Stewart owns and runs his own business, a comic book store. He had his own apartment, he€™s friends with stars of TV shows, he can draw beautifully and he€™s just a really nice guy. So why do the writers have the character as such a douche? This guy asked Penny out within a few minutes of meeting her and he ended up kissing her. OK, she said Leonard€™s name, fair enough, that€™s a completely different thing but Stewart should have been able to take that and end up with someone else? He got a date with a really pretty girl easily one minute, then having €˜dates€™ with Raj the next. It doesn€™t really lend any extra comedy to have every male character be an emasculated eunuch, so where all the rest of them are somewhat socially inept it would be nice to see a male character who has confidence and can speak to women as an equal. The character was in danger of being too confident and successful so they made his business fall apart, moved him into the store and had him stealing money at a bachelor party. The character is somewhat incongruous with the background so either the writers give Kevin Sussman more room to breathe or cut him out, either way, the woose has to go.

I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.