The Big Bang Theory: 12 Recurring Things That Need To Die

7. Leonard & Penny

There is no denying that we all wanted Leonard and Penny to get together. He€™s such a nice guy, he really liked her and we wanted him to get what he wanted. But let€™s face it, there€™s no way they€™re suited to each other. Penny is a lovely girl, but she€™s a slob. The girl leaves her clothes lying around everywhere, wears the same underwear more than once (according to more than one episode) she is written as being dumb as a bag of rocks, has little ambition, works in a cheesecake emporium, is clearly unsuited to acting since she has had one job in 6 years and is always skint (that€™s €œflat broke€ in English) Leonard on the other hand is a particle physicist who works with some of the greatest minds of his generation, has been on several high profile expeditions, is respected within his field and is clearly regarded as being a cutie-pie. Let€™s face it, the whole point of the geeks taking over the world is that they are more attractive and their traits are seen as being positive. There was Doctor Stephanie, Priya and a few other girls, most notably Alex and the girl at the comic book store, who Leonard would have been far more suited to. Penny even seems to treat him like he€™s a pity date and takes him for granted. Sure, they tried to address that but it was when they weren€™t together. There€™s no fun to be had with a relationship going well but with the dynamic currently on show there€™s no way the two of them would last. Penny might be pretty and nice but that relationship is doomed to failure. What on Earth do they talk about?

I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.