Black Mirror: 10 Times It Creepily Predicted The Future

5. Uploading The Human Brain To A Computer

Black Mirror Waldo Trump

The Episode: Be Right Back's themes of technology defying death were revisited in San Junipero. In this episode, the town of the title is revealed to be a massive hub of digital minds, all uploaded to a shared server after their human selves died. It is literally Heaven on Earth.

How It Came True: Obviously we haven't got to this stage just yet, but one ambitious guy is working on making Brooker's fantasy a reality. Dmitry Itskov, a Russian internet millionaire, spoke to The BBC in March 2016 about his plans to translate the human mind into digital form. He has even set himself a deadline.

"Within the next 30 years. I am going to make sure that we can all live forever. I'm 100% confident it will happen. Otherwise I wouldn't have started it."

Similar to Humai, his ultimate goal is to then transfer that intelligence back into an artificial body, thereby making humanity functionally immortal. Or at least, Itskov himself:

"For the next few centuries. I envision having multiple bodies... my consciousness just moving from one to another."

Because that doesn't sound like something a supervillain would say at all...


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