Black Mirror: 10 Times It Creepily Predicted The Future

4. Recording Memories

Black Mirror Waldo Trump
Channel 4

The Episode: Written by Peep Show's Jesse Armstrong, The Entire History of You looks at the personal and interpersonal affects of being able to replay your own memories - via an implant, called a Grain, that stores them away in easily-managed files. If you have ever wished for the ability to dredge up the past during a fight with a loved one, this episode will convince you it's probably best to let things lie.

How It Came True: Various attempts have since been made to record our day-to-day lives. Kapture Audio has developed wristbands intended to record your conversations, with a speaker for you to play back what you have just heard.

Samsung, however, are working on producing something far closer to this episode - contact lenses that record what you are seeing and then livestream the footage to someone's smartphone. Presumably the intention is for it to be used to share things with friends, but it definitely sounds like it could be utilised in more sinister circumstances.


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