Black Mirror: 6 Best & 6 Worst Inventions

9. WORST - The Credit System

Black Mirror Playtest

While Fifteen Million Merits (last one from this goldmine, I swear) offers a solution several problems of the world as we know it, it brings in quite a few of its own, and those are very much based in reality too. The world itself is monetised like a free-to-play video game, and not the kind that rely on gameplay to keep people coming back. This is a world where everything is out to make a profit from the people.

Those guys riding their bikes to power the country are forced to pay even if they want to look at a new scene while riding or simply to change their avatar representation in their lives. As mentioned earlier, they're forced to pay to skip adverts, but related content ads are everywhere (even on fruit vending machines). Every squeeze of toothpaste costs money as you use it.

And those looking to climb out of that trap take part in a gameshow where they risk being forced into a porn career just to get back to where they were. What would you risk to get out of poverty?

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After hearing that you are what you eat, Mik took a good hard look at his diet and realised he might just be a szechuan spare rib alongside prawn fried rice.