Black Mirror: 6 Best & 6 Worst Inventions

8. BEST - Social Media Ghosts

Black Mirror Playtest
Channel 4

Be Right Back features a zombie apocaly... wait, that's not right. That would be silly. Be Right Back actually features ghosts. That's social media ghosts: AI versions of people built from all of their social media profiles.

That time you got in touch with a company to let them know you love their products more than life itself could well be the defining feature of your ghost's personality. That book you took a photo of next to a martini alongside the caption "Another Friday night in" may be all your ghost talks about, even though you never actually read the book and just watched Walking Dead reruns out of order while eating pizza. Oh, and seeing as you never posted about that pizza, your ghost will never mention it.

It sounds dark because it's so imperfect, especially when so many of us portray an unrealistic version of ourselves online, but that's the genius of this idea. Grief is a lot easier to handle when you're confronted with an imperfect version of what you're missing; all the arrogance and pretence that is masked by love, is now at the forefront and lets you slowly move on from your loss before it overwhelms you.

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