Black Mirror: Every Major Plot Twist Ranked From Worst To Best

15. Bing Sells Out - Fifteen Million Merits

Black Mirror Playtest
Channel 4

In Fifteen Million Merits, Bing (Oscar-nominated Daniel Kaluuya) spends all his cash on getting girlfriend Abi into talent show Hot Shots. When the cruel programme turns her into a porn star, Bing auditions himself, delivering an angry tirade against the system while threatening to kill himself.

In a slight jump to the future, it is revealed that Bing accepted an offer from the Hot Shot judges to host his own show where he can spout his (now toothless) rants.

This is one of the more ironic twists in Black Mirror's catalogue, as Bing began with the aim to bring down the system but ends up selling out in order and becoming a part of it.

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