BoJack Horseman: 10 Best Supporting Characters

"Making close connections is vital to understanding the world"

Bojack Horseman Ana Spanakopita

When The Simpsons began their illustrious tenure on TV it immediately proved a point to Western audiences. The same audiences that had a very chauvinistic point of view on animation - that it wasn’t solely for children.

Ever since it debuted way back in 1989, it set a precedent and paved the way for grander, more mature and more conscious storytelling in animation. The future entailed a growing trend. It’s one that’s still very much got its foot on the accelerator with each subsequent series attempting to top in both durability and longevity.

South Park was both satirical and clever, Family Guy was just an amalgamation of how to be offensive having nothing to actually say and then there’s BoJack Horseman. A show that fluctuates between challenging and unsettling, but regardless remains a shining example of how to tell a beautifully dark, yet intrusively harrowing look at the flawed ideology of idolisation, if not isolation.

BoJack (in both contexts) would be nothing without the brilliant array of personalities - of which are no carbon copy and will never be something that could be emulated again. We’re about to reel off the best of the rest; these are the top 10 beams that support BoJack’s unstable, rickety way of life.

10. Ana Spanakopita

Bojack Horseman Ana Spanakopita

After seeing the titular Horseman hated, berated and sometimes subjugated in his business and personal lives, respectively (or disrespectfully even), things shape up after Ana walks into his life.

Originally stepping into the series as the egotistical, image-centric campaign manager for BoJack’s supposedly career reviving role in “Secretariat”. Spanakopita is unraveled when hooking up with her client ends with us delving deeper into her character and we come to realise that her life is nothing more than an existential crisis that grows more dire with each passing day.

To put it in layman’s terms, Ana is a house of cards that’s been built far too close to an adjacent whirring fan, with no estimating when it could blow her down completely.

Whilst on the subject of fans, it’s not long before she reinvigorates fandom, incredibly successfully, however, she didn’t anticipate BoJack inadvertently becoming her biggest fan. Clinging onto her like a child onto its mother after figuring out they’re being put up for adoption - until he decidedly gives her up after having his perfect picture painted over and smeared, unrecognisably.

Revealing a very fragmented being of the utmost fragility. Giving us both a new perspective in collaboration these damning words from BoJack: “It’s so sad that when you see someone as they really are, it ruins them”.


My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: