BoJack Horseman: 10 Burning Questions That Must Be Answered In Season 4

3. Where's BoJack Going?

BoJack Horseman Mr Peanutbutter

In the trailer BoJack stops his car in front of a mysterious cabin at the lake, after leaving California and driving on the highway for what seems like endless hours. Did BoJack decide to be reclusive and follow Cuddlywhiskers' advice that to learn happiness one must let go of his possessions? BoJack's house is already ruined, his Hollywoo reputation is tarnished, the man doesn't have nothing to come back to anyway.

BoJack already learned in the planetarium that what's important is the present moment and later, on the road, he's reaffirmed of that notion when seeing other horses running on the desert. They don't care about anything, they just run, together, with sweat dripping down their faces. His drive is somewhat representative of his affirmation of life - he lives in the now, in his car, watching life go by, but not feeling the need to stop until he finds something he's looking for.

That something might be a cabin in which he can gather his thoughts.


I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.