BoJack Horseman: 10 Burning Questions That Must Be Answered In Season 4

2. Was That His Daughter?

BoJack Horseman Mr Peanutbutter

A young mare tries to contact BoJack through his agent in the final episode, but Princess Carolyn doesn't represent him anymore. In the trailer the girl encounters Todd and says that people always said she looked just like the horse from Horsin' Around. To be honest, the horse used to get around during his heyday, so it's not like him impregnating someone is out of the question.

If this indeed is his daughter... was BoJack aware of her existence? Did her mother ever bother to contact him? If so, was BoJack too drunk to remember not only the intercourse, but the subsequent meeting as well?

The girl obviously doesn't know if BoJack is her real father, but why did she decide to contact him now? Did the Oscar (faux) nomination convince her that he was someone more than just a washed-up sitcom actor?


I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.