BoJack Horseman: Every Season Finale Ranked Worst To Best

5. Later (Season 1)

BoJack Horseman Free Churro

The first season of BoJack Horseman was really an introduction to the character, his life, and how things went wrong for him. The show hadn’t yet delved into the real darkness that it would in later seasons, though there were certainly moments. The finale of the season however was something of a message of hope rather than despair. That there may be a light at the end of the tunnel for BoJack after all.

After a rocky second half of season one, in which his book was released to his own dismay, BoJack became a laughing stock thanks to a BuzzFeed article, and when he began to realise where he went wrong in his life, he fell into a pit of depression.

This was mainly because of not seeing Diane for three months after they fell out. He literally begged for her to tell him he was a good person, but she couldn’t. Even after winning a Golden Globe for the book, he struggled.

However, by the end of the episode, he had been cast in his dream role as Secretariat, he was on speaking terms with Diane and was about to work with her again, and had been told that he was someone’s hero. There aren’t many episodes of BoJack Horseman that give the titular character any real hope, but this was one of them, and if there is hope for him, there is hope for anyone.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.