BoJack Horseman Season 4 Review: 5 Ups & 1 Down

1. Great Storytelling

BoJack Horseman

Combining humor with seriousness is one thing, but incorporating the two into a compelling narrative is another. For four, 12-episode seasons, the writers have been able to produce a show that's never stale nor boring. It's worth stressing that nobody acts out of character to make the stories more interesting.

The show makes great use of flashbacks, and they've become its go to device to confront the past with the present, explain why a certain character acted a certain way, or just improve the presentation of the main story. Here at some point the show even ventures into the far future, while the present is the past it comes back to.

Once again the viewer can grasp what time it is through funny in-your-face mentioning of the era or rather subtle allusions like... book covers showing how much time has passed since the last scene. In this season the past and the present moments sometimes take place "simultaneously", like in the first and eleventh episodes of the season. This makes for a fresh, interesting and really moving experience, making the stories even deeper.


I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.