Breaking Bad: 10 Best Characters Who Only Appeared In One Episode

1. Drew Sharp (Dead Freight)

Breaking Bad Hugo

Sometimes, a character doesn't even need dialogue to become one of the most iconic faces in a show. This little kid certainly fits that bill, as despite doing precious little, he has become one of the most synonymous characters in Breaking Bad, mostly thanks to his tragic demise.

"Dead Freight" is an incredibly exciting episode that saw Jesse, Walter and Todd perform a train heist for supplies. You were introduced to this young boy riding his bike throughout the desert during the intro. Sadly, the next time you saw him was in the iconic moment where Todd gunned him down after the two shared an awkward wave.

It was a massively shocking moment and led to colossal turmoil between the characters. The distrust between Walt/Jesse was deepened, a rivalry between Jesse/Todd was born, and it was all a result of this young man's presence.

Overall, his screen time ended up being barely a few minutes, yet he left a permanent impact on the show.

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