Breaking Bad: 10 Best Characters Who Only Appeared In One Episode

2. Jake Pinkman (Cancer Man)

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Thanks to his bad behaviour and addiction issues, it was easy to assume that Jesse had a tough, poverty-stricken upbringing. However, the arrival of his younger brother and parents showed that this wasn't the case.

Season one's "Cancer Man" saw Jesse return to his parent's middle-class home. They seemed less than pleased to have him back, and it became clear that his younger brother (Jake) was the obvious favourite. This came to a dramatic head after a joint was found in Jake's room. However, rather than letting his brother face the consequences, Jesse took the fall and encouraged him to stay clean.

Jake is a character who felt way more present than he actually was. His estranged relationship with Jesse left a haunting impression and painted the picture of what Jesse's life could have been if he'd played his cards differently.

Plus, the character's academic accomplishments and disgruntled personality made him equal parts distant and unlikeable. This made you understand how alienated Jesse felt from his own family.

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