Breaking Bad: 10 Best Characters Who Only Appeared In One Episode

7. Getz (Better Call Saul)

Breaking Bad Hugo

That's right, "Better Call Saul" didn't just introduce viewers to crafty criminals; it also showed that the fuzz themselves were able to use some sneaky methods, and this was one of the most entertaining.

The episode opened with an excellent scene. While dealing on a bench, Badger was approached by a shady looking fella and instantly assumed he was a cop. They bickered for a hot minute until Badger finally relented and sold him a teenth. But, in a wicked twist, the potential customer whipped out a pistol and arrested him on the spot.

Part of what made this work so well was that the actor (DJ Quells) looked exactly like the kind of person the show would cast as a meth head. Thus, you got taken for a ride just as much as Badger himself. It was a genuine surprise, and a hilarious moment, despite the significant consequences for the whole Blue Meth operation.

Getz may only appear in one episode, but he's one hell of an undercover cop.

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Breaking Bad
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