Breaking Bad: 10 Fates That The Remaining Characters Deserve

7. Todd

Breaking Bad Todd Lydia Setting new standards in cable television for "blandly creepy", the ever eager-to-please Todd (or "Meth Damon" if you prefer) has shown untapped levels of evilness, ranging from shooting Drew Sharp (the unfortunate kid on the bike in "Dead Freight" who was the only witness to the methylamine heist), to torturing and imprisoning Jesse and murdering his girlfriend in cold blood. Unlike Walt or Jesse, he shows no regret or guilt for these actions: he is simply an unfailingly loyal, unquestioning soldier, for whom the means are always justified by the end. Judging by the crush he has on the uptight Lydia, the only way Todd could truly suffer karmic retribution in the way that he needs to is to be rejected by her. True poetic justice would be her executing Todd and his Nazi pals (or more likely, farming the job out to bidders) after she realizes she no longer needs him as she has Jesse €“who can cook Heisenberg-level meth €“ safely in custody. Then after satisfying the discriminating needs of her European meth buyers, she will leave the country and move to her retirement home, a Stevia warehouse outside of Brussels.
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Breaking Bad
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Hi there, What Culture-ers! I'm William Graff, a 40-year old freelance writer from the wilds of Capitol Hill in beautiful Denver, Colorado. I enjoy many things such as beer, Doctor Who, The Simpsons, record collecting, stand-up comedy, long aimless walks, and of course the Broncos, which is required by law if you live here. I appreciate all feedback for my writing, but I prefer cash and/or deleted Smiths singles in lieu of praise. Rock on!